Some people said, if I could only care for you
Some people said, he will never love again
Some people said, you can see it in his eyes

I think I just fell victim to possible identity fraud. I have huge student loans as in they block the sun. Every year like clock work they go up and now I�m paying almost $300.00 a month for them. So when the guy on the phone started telling me how I could lower my loans and lock in a lower rate, I am locked at 9% right now. He knew I was paying Sallie Mae and that it used to be USA Group so without even thinking I blurted out my social which is your account number for any student loan. He reassured me that this was only so he could look at my loan history and was able to tell me the school I went to as well as the year I graduated and what year I consolidated with USA Group. After all that he just wanted me to write my congressman about some new law that would lower my rate so I could get a fixed 4% instead of the 9% that I�m at now. How could I have been that stupid? I wasn�t even thinking about identity theft until after I blurted out my social. I hope to GOD I�m not fucked. I guess I shouldn�t worry too much as my credit is pretty much fucked right now and there�s not much in the way of money that could be had from me. I�m barely scraping by as it is.

It�s amazing what you can find on a google search. I typed in my full name and it turns out that I sell real estate, I�m in a play, working with disaster relief, Author of 2 books, and I am also on a robot roster. There was even a picture of one of the many Mark�s on the list and he didn�t look anything like me, not that he should have mind you. It�s just a little strange to see a face that has your name attached to it that isn�t what you see what you look in the mirror.

Tammy and I are planning a big trip for our 40th birthdays. We have 3 years to save our money for sitting on the bright sunny beaches in Hawaii. This is where we�ve decided to spend our birthday in 2007. We have to do some research to see what we want to do and thanks to Rachel Rae we already know that we need to have $40.00 a day for food. We might just eat our way around the islands.

Without realizing that it was next week I asked Tammy if she wanted to go with me to see the one person whom I�ve never had the privilege of seeing live, Olivia Newton-John. After I sent the e-mail I realized that she�s playing a week from tomorrow! Oh I will be there! I don�t care if I have to beg, steal, or borrow the money to go. Years ago when I was in high school my Mom wouldn�t let me go see her. This was when we lived in CA and the opportunity never presented itself again until now 11 years later I have a chance to see her and by golly I�m going to grab it!

Oh and let the record show that I�m 3 for 3 now. Abby is going to have another boy and I believe I called it right after she said she was pregnant. She really wanted a girl but I told her I saw another boy in her future. I also see Amy with a girl but I don�t see her pregnant yet. I get the feeling that her husband isn�t ready yet so it�s not happening for them. I don�t dare tell her that as it would break her heart. Nancy I�m still working on you, but I�ve had some strange dreams and I don�t know if it�s what you told me or if I�m having visions that my imagination is working overtime. I�ve been thinking about my ex boyfriends and wondering which one is going to show themselves to me soon. I�m thinking Mike or Gino but I always manage to see Tom the asshole when I least expect it. I just saw Joel so it can�t be him.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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