I'll fix these broken things
Repair your broken wings
And make sure everything's alright
This Love � Maroon 5

What a day it�s been! I didn�t really do anything all day and I feel completely exhausted. I woke up at 6 thinking I would just roll over and go beck to sleep but no such luck. My mind was filled with making a CD for Amy at work. So I came in to find that my Music Match was not working right so I had to uninstall and reinstall it a couple times to get it right again. I tried to rip the CD but it was starting in the middle of the songs so I ended up using Media Player, which I hate but it worked out in the end. Next thing I knew it was 8:25 and I was finally ready to go back to bed. I only slept for about an hour or so and then I called Tammy and chatted for a while. I finally got in the shower about 1 and then I clipped out coupons from last Sunday�s paper, preparing for the big trip to the store. I swear I was out of everything! I think I had some ramen noodles and about 6 eggs, and that was about it.

There�s something about going to the grocery store that feels almost social. Yes, I am one of those people that doesn�t like to buy certain things because of what people think when they look in my cart. I swear that King Soopers is like a racetrack sometimes. It seems that people always gather around the area where you want to go and you have to wait or tell them to get the hell out of the way. There is always that old lady that takes up the entire aisle and doesn�t think to move out of your way. So list in hand I went up and down all the aisles and walked out spending $150.00 saving a mere $10.00 with my coupons. There was a Fernando in there though and maybe it�s my imagination but I swear he was checking me out. In any case it made me feel good.

Groceries put away I was off to Rod�s to meet Tammy for dinner. I don�t know why but I was really tired and I still am. I feel like I ran a marathon today and I hardly did anything. We met Tammy and Betty at Good Friends and I had a big fat plate of nachos. Betty asked me if I wanted to try hers and I politely said no thanks and she nudged me and said, �Get the hint.� looking at my plate. Then it hit me, Joey from Friends. �Joey doesn�t share food!� I exclaimed! I used to go by Joey at the record store when I was tired of Mark one day and it stuck. There are actually people that know me as Joey and still call me that to this day. Somehow the �How you doin�? doesn�t work so good on gay men.

As you can see I�ve given up on my update list. It never works anymore or it takes forever to load the page. There were only a couple people on it anyway. I think it�s way past bedtime for me so I think I will take my leave and retire to the bedroom for some much needed rest.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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