Spring was never waiting for us til
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
Mac Arthur Park � Donna Summer

Sitting here eatin� my heart out waitin�. Waitin� for some lover to call. I wish I could say that my absence is due to the fact that David called and we�ve been playing catch up, but sadly that is not the case. I guess it�s true that some things are better left unsaid and that sleeping dog should just be left alone. It�s been about a month since I first heard from him and then there was nothing more.

Tomorrow is the dreaded V-Day, which us single folk like to call Black Hearts Day. Tammy & Margo are coming over for dinner tomorrow night. I�m fixing steak & shrimp with the famous garlic bread. I think I might even get some corn on the cob just because it�s tasty in the lime butter. I don�t think in all my life that I�ve had a date for Valentine�s Day. I hardly noticed that today was Friday the 13th. It�s never been a bad luck day for me. On the contrary, I�ve always had good luck. Today for example I got my tax refund and when I went to buy the new Donna Summer remaster at Best Buy it was $18.99 instead of the $28.99 that it was marked. In fact everything I bought tonight was cheaper than it was marked. I�m glad that I got the tax refund when I did because I was starting to get worried about money and the bill collectors were starting to call. Now I can call them all and pay them off and close out some accounts that I no longer need. Next Friday we�re supposed to have an extra $150.00 bonus which works out to be an extra $60.00 on your check after all the taxes are taken out. The end of the month we should get our year-end bonus. They still haven�t told us how much it will be but I know that Nextel did really well and last quarter they mentioned that we were over 200% of our goal for the year.

I got my review yesterday and it wasn�t bad, but it wasn�t great. Sadly I got a �needs improvement� on the processing of refunds because I�m not doing 14 an hour. Apparently I�m only doing 11 to 13 an hour. Then the dreaded question of �what do you want to do when you grow up� comes up at the end of it all. I told her that I�ve wanted to be in training ever since I stared and she actually agreed that it would be a good thing for me. She said I have the ability to make people feel comfortable and at ease as well as giving direction without sounding condescending.

Tonight Tammy and I took Rod out to dinner to have a little job intervention. I laid into him the other day and told him he needed to get a job or he would be greeting Wal-Mart� customers in 10 years. Then to our amazement he said he received a call today with a job offer. Then he started to spout all kinds of what I thought was negativity and told me that I needed to think outside the box. You know that did not sit well with me. I understand that life throws you a curve now and then but that doesn�t mean that I believe I have job security. I�m pretty happy in my job and I can see myself staying there for as long as they�ll have me. Rod on the other hand doesn�t seem to want to be �tied down� to a job for any length of time. Needless to say he�s pissed me off yet again, but then again that�s why I love him so.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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