You won a prize for that
For telling lies like that
So well that I believed it, I never felt cheated
Noah�s Dove � 10,000 Maniacs

I am deeply ashamed to be a gay American right now. The president of the USA has declared today that gay marriage should be banned. Who the fuck does he think he is? Does the constitution not say that all men are created equal? I fear that he will amend it to say all heterosexual men & women are created equal. I sure as fuck wouldn�t put it past that stupid backcountry hick fucker! Am I the only one who thinks that he should be worrying about other things such as the war with Iraq? I know that most people don�t care one way or another about gay marriage but he�s what it really boils down to. Gays don�t have the same rights as heterosexual couples. Take Larry and Joe for example. They have been together for 10 years or more and to them and their friends they are just as married as my parents. The difference being that if my father was injured and in the hospital my mother and myself are considered immediate family. If Joe was in the hospital Larry would not be allowed to see him as Joe is not considered immediate family. I�m sure most hospitals would understand and allow him in but what about the 10 � 15% of hospitals that won�t? God forbid Joe should die because Larry would be entitled to absolutely nothing. If Joe�s family didn�t approve of Joe being gay they could shut Larry out all together and make sure he had nothing. Let�s hope that their house is in both of their names or the life that Larry once knew is gone forever. Our fine Mr. Bush might as well just put anyone who�s not white in some concentration camp while he�s on the gay marriage ban. Maybe Chuck Hesston should run for president and hand out guns to all our children. I�m not usually political but this issue has just put me over the fucking edge. I hope that people can see what he�s doing, which is avoiding the issues at hand for political gain. Do Not vote for Bush!

Okay off the high horse. Can someone please tell me who decided that Black History Month would be in February? I hardly think it�s really fair being that it�s the shortest month of the year. March is national frozen food month and it�s in the Spring! I think that these need to be switched around. Did something significant happen in February that constitutes Black History that I�m unaware of? While I�m at it how much longer do we have to wait for the 9-11 movie, that will no doubt feature live footage from CNN and be banded in New York? Perhaps one day it 9-11 will be considered a holiday. I know you�re thinking there�s already a holiday and it�s called veterans day or memorial day. Most of those people that died weren�t veterans but regular people like you and me.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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