If you can�t see beyond the myth of isolation
The miracle of daybreak doesn�t move you anymore
Connect the points and see the constellations
Perfect world � Indigo Girls

Sometimes people just don�t understand. I brought up my irritation about the gay marriage issue today. Silly me thinking that I could get a little support from my so-called friends at work. All I got was a �What�s the big deal.� and a �It�s not like your being discriminated against like the blacks were.� Actually, being gay I am being discriminated against, by the president of the USA nonetheless! I�m not saying that I have to ride at the back of the bus or that I have to pretend I�m straight to avoid the concentration camp or the torture chamber. I�m saying that I want the same respect and rights that everyone else has. I�m saying that I don�t want to be treated any different from anyone else just because I happen to like cock. Why don�t we turn our anger towards gays to the serial killers, the pedophiles (which by the way were all straight men who took little girls), the terrorists, the adulterers, and other sinners that seem to enjoy throwing rocks in their glass houses. It�s funny how your friends tell you that they don�t care that you are gay, when in fact they do care. Do you really believe that I just woke up one day, scratched my head and thought, �I�m gonna try putting another man�s dick in my mouth to see if I like it?� It really doesn�t work that way. Do you think one day I chose to be hated, or to get beat up with a baseball bat for loving a man? If it�s a life style that we chose then let me pose this question to you. Why does Kory like pussy? Is it because he chooses to be with women so he can do what the good book tells him to? If this is the case then he could surely be persuaded to try cock if you got him drunk enough and what if he actually liked it? It�s not a buffet people it�s what makes you the person that you are. You can�t turn it on and off like a light. You�re born this way, just like having dark hair. You can dye it blonde but you still have dark hair underneath.

Sorry, but I�m just so pissed about this whole issue. Let�s focus on the real issues. I bet you don�t ever hear about how many American soldiers have died in Iraq. I can tell you that there are over 300 soldiers from Colorado alone that have come back to their families in wooden boxes. That doesn�t make the gay marriage issue seem so important does it?

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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