Dog at the window still looks all day never gets her fill
Cause a glance means a chance
To break the birds out congregating
Rise Up � Indigo Girls

DIVA! is in a fowl mood today. I�m not sure what her problem is but tonight she tried to fly and she broke off yet another tailfeather. I don�t know why she tries to fly like that she has never tried to get away from me like that. She was biting at me too, not that she ever bites very hard. I�m sure she could draw some blood if she really wanted to. When Tammy went down stairs she started freaking out and once again tried to fly and hit the wall. I think she has damaged her brain or something.

I took Tammy out to Red Lobster for dinner tonight to celebrate my bonus, after all we are legally common law married, the only way that we can legally get married being that we�re gay. I think we sat at the disaster table. Tammy noticed that it was leaning toward her and after the salt bottle rolled right to her I was forced to agree. As we were eating out feast of lobster and crab legs a waiter walked by and dropped a plate, which shattered on impact into thousands of pieces. The staff seemed very apologetic and we had to move around the table so they could get it cleaned up. Our waitress dropped the scampi dish on the table when she was picking up our plates and I�m really surprised that Tammy wasn�t wearing it. To top it off she brought us the wrong ticket, which was less, and they didn�t even offer to discount our meals for the dish breaking incident. I had a coupon so it wasn�t that big of a deal, but it wouldn�t have killed them to offer before I gave it to her. After a delicious feast we were off to Media Play where I picked up 3 more CDs. Yes, my name is Mark and I am a CD whore. I bought 3 remastered 80s CDs, Spandau Ballet �True� Men At Work �Business As Usual� and �Cargo�. They were only $12.99 so I couldn�t resist. I did however resist the temptation of Loverboy�s greatest hits for the second time this weekend.

It�s Sunday night and I am not the least bit tired as usual. I spent the day making a 10,000 Maniacs CD for Tammy and Sallie at work. I put all the CDs I had, including the singles with b-sides and I scanned all the covers and such so they could make their own copies. Yes, it�s very time consuming and illegal, then again just about everything I want to do as a gay man is illegal these days.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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