I kicked up the dust and I said to my neighbor
We keep making it worse
We keep getting it wrong
Tether � Indigo Girls

What can I say? My big fat ass broke the toilet seat. So I�m going to start walking again and now that it�s getting warmer I�m sure there will be plenty of fresh fruits and veggies at my disposal soon enough. No more going out to eat everyday at work. I�m going to start brining my lunch. You can�t get more of a wake up call than breaking the toilet seat can you? I need to lose some weight before Mom & Dad get here because I�m really tired of hearing my mother tell me how fat I am and how I need to lose weight. This has been going on for years now and I guess it�s time for me to suck it up and take control of my issues again.

So I broke the toilet seat on Thursday morning and that afternoon the dentist told me that there were some troubling spots in my teeth, so I need to get a filling replaced that I didn�t even know I had. She told me it must have been from when I was a child and proceeded to tell me that the fluoride treatment my childhood dentist put on my teeth is still on there, which might be why there are getting a high reading. She basically told me that I have strong healthy teeth but my gums are bad and if I don�t start taking better care of my gums then my beautiful teeth are going to fall out of my head. Yet another wake up call that I need to take better care of my teeth and not drink so much soda and I should really start flossing. Yesterday I went to the eye doctor and she said that my eyes are basically getting worse and recommended that I get transition lenses to wear all the time. Transition is the new bi focal in case you didn�t get that. She said I have a stigmatism and it�s worse in my left eye than my right. Instead of looking straight ahead my eyes start to look out, like this < >. I had to get new frames as well because I just can�t take that glare and I wanted a clip to turn them into sunglasses. The whole visit was $140.00 after my dentist of $210.00; I spent $350.00 in 2 days. I just need to face up to it, I�m getting old and there�s no stopping it. Sallie at wok told Margo that she looked good for her age of 45 and she hardly had any wrinkles. She told me that I should do something about my laugh lines and leathery skin. Fucking Bitch!

My little girl is growing up. It�s been almost a year since I bought DIVA! and today she learned to climb the stairs. So instead of screaming at me to come downstairs she just comes up to get me now. It was very cute, but now I have to be careful when I head downstairs so I don�t step on her.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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