Promises me I'm safe as houses
As long as I remember who's wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again
Never Let Me Down Again � Depeche Mode

Though not as many people showed up as I thought, the BBQ was a success. I scrubbed and cleaned up my kitchen and pre cut all the onion and tomato to make the clean up a breeze and it was. We all finally got to meet Nancy�s friend that has been invisible for the past 5 years, she really does exist. Her and I had a SIMS moment outside and I really liked her. I was glad to finally meet her. She did seem a little reserved and I hope that we did scare her off with our crude humor.

15 days until Mom & Dad get here! I must admit I still have a lot to do before they get here but at least the kitchen is done and will only need spot cleaning. My tailbone still hurts. I was very careful going down the stairs to do the laundry today. DIVA! played a little game of hide and seek with me this morning and it took me 20 minutes to find her. I was watching Buffy when she went upstairs and I saw her go up there. I just thought, �I�ll get her when I get my laundry to take up there.� I heard her flitting her wings and her little screeching noises. I called to her to tell her I wasn�t up there and to get back down here but I didn�t hear another peep. So when I did come up here I couldn�t find her and she wasn�t making any noise. I finally had to get on the ground and look from her level and I found her perched on the bottom rung of the drying rack. I usually put her up on top while I�m in here so she can still be with me.

I watched the Killing of Tara last night before I went to bed. It didn�t really piss me off as much as I�d thought. Maybe because I knew it was going to happen. It did flow with the story of making Willow Dark Majik girl. She really kind of scared me when she ripped Warren to shreds. I�m sorry but in my twisted mind I was thinking that Jonathon and that other kid, I can never remember his name, would get together now that Daddy Warren was gone. You have to admit there�s some homoeroticism there between those three.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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