I can't understand what makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People Are People � Depeche Mode

I was all set to see Harry Potter last night but as luck would have it all the showings were sold out. The tradition was broken last night. We used to go to the late showing on opening night when all the little kids were in bed and not kicking the back of you chair. So we went to dinner at Good Friends instead, our usual haunt. Imagine the shock on my face when the big J from PR taps me on the shoulder and asks to sit next to me. Yes, Joel was in town fro Puerto Rico and he, along with Tammy and Nancy caught me off guard. Because you should always look like shit when you see your ex, right?

I took him back to his hotel last night but didn�t go up this time. I really wanted to because after the shock wore off all I could think about was kissing him and the sex of course. Hey I�m a still a gay man after all. It�s been a year since I�ve had sex and the last time was with him. I was going to call him last night when I got home and tell him to pencil in some sex for us today but I didn�t. I really, really, really want to have sex with him but it feels weird to want that. I mean we aren�t together anymore and my head is having a hard time wrapping itself around the idea but the little head is saying DO IT, DO IT NOW! Then again how pathetic am I that I can only get my ex boyfriend of four years ago to have sex with me?

Mom & Dad are going to be here in 2 weeks and I�m not ready yet and it looks like yet another weekend that I won�t be spending at home cleaning and unpacking. DIVA! tried to fly again yesterday only this time she hurt herself. She hit the ground just right and broke one of her feathers and I didn�t notice the blood until I was going up the stairs to brush my teeth. I tried to get it cleaned up the best I could and make sure it had stopped and she wanted no part of it. I finally got some blood stop in case this happens again so I�ll be ready with better bird first aid.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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