Guess it�s gonna be a cold lonely summer
But I�ll fill the emptiness
I�ll send you all my dreams every day in a letter
Sealed With A Kiss � covered by: Agnetha F�ltskog

Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow! I wish I felt better than I do. I had some really, really hot salsa yesterday and it really did a number on me. It was Sadie�s brand �Not as Hot�, not as hot my ass! My mouth was on fire for half an hour after I started dipping my chips. It didn�t hit me right away but trust me when I say I suffered all damn night for the little bit that I had. I was up at three and by 6 am the nausea started and I was forced to use some of the medicine I got from when I was sick Christmas day. That has left me in a funk all day and I ended up sleeping until 3 and I feel hot and drained of all energy now. I hope that I can sleep tonight. I�m finally on the last load of laundry and in half an hour the new season of Six Feet Under starts!

I�ve finished cleaning up the media room, for the most part. Now I can walk around without tripping over boxes. My new computer will be here tomorrow evening. I�ve finally moved into a place where I get mail by noon but UPS doesn�t show up until 7 or 7:30 at night. I must be the last on his route.

Rad Rod came into town yesterday so it was cause for celebration. We watched Sgt Pepper�s Lonely Heart�s Club Band, you know with the Bee Gee�s and Peter Frampton. My friend Amy came over as well as Tammy and we all had a great time. We all ate too much food and talked about the different celebrities and men in the porn mag I had that we�d fuck. This of course led to the strange dreams I had this morning when I finally did get to sleep. I dreamed that I was at a candle party and I was having an affair with the woman�s husband. She walked in and caught us right as I was going down on him and she chased me out of the house. The strange part was that I drove off in a black/dark blue truck. I�m starting up as a Partylite� consultant and I�m sure that was partly why I had the dream. I put up some flyers for my first show next Saturday and I hope that people start calling soon. I need to make $300.00 on my first show so I can get my starter kit Thursday. Not that I�ll have to pay if I don�t but anything over that I get in free stuff. I hope I can do as well as Rebecca does making $1000.00 a month on top of my salary.

It�s too damn hot up in here so I�m going back downstairs. I�ll have to post later as once again Diaryland has issues!

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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