In other words, hold my hand
In other words, darling kiss me
Fill my heart with song and let me sing for evermore
Fly Me To The Moon � covered by: Agnetha F�ltskog

My vacation starts today. Mom & Dad came back from Reno yesterday and Mom is really sick now. Thanks to the Retail Clerks Union her medication has to be mailed to her now and they neglected to inform her that it would take a week for new prescriptions. Needless to say we are calling her Dr. in SC to get him to call in a weeks worth of pills for her now that she�s out. Her little hands are cold and turning white and it�s not that cold in here. This is one of the reasons they don�t come out here in the winter. Edna comes in today and I don�t think Mom can go with us to pick her up.

Dad and I went out to dinner last night without her because she was nauseous. As you may or may not know Dad and I don�t get on as well and Mom and I do so I was not looking forward to it. We went to Tony Roma�s and actually had a good talk. The thing that always happens when Mom & Dad are around is that we get really hot waiters and I can never comment on them since it�s just Mom & Dad that are with me. Last night was no exception of course. Dad and I talked about when he and Mom first met and he told a little different story than she did. They were both married before on the same day, Dad to Kay in California and Mom to Bill in Iowa. Mom moved to CA with Bill and soon after they separated. My parents both worked for the same company which is how they met. By this time Dad was already divorced from Kay, he said it was because she wouldn�t put out. �Put out or get out�, that�s what he said. Bill was incredibly jealous of everyone which is why Mom left him.

It�s strange to think of my parents having their own apartments in the late 50�s and early 60�s. Dad said he stayed over at her place more, big surprise. He said one night when he was going home from their date Bill followed him and he rode through a housing track and lost him. They married in December when Mom�s divorce was final and bought a little house in Camarillo. I came along the following October and our family began. Dad still keeps in touch with Kay every once in a while and Bill moved back to Iowa and told everyone that Mom married a Mexican, like it�s a bad thing. Dad�s not even Mexican he�s Portuguese.

Overall it was a great night out with Dad. We bonded and we hadn�t done that in a long time. We went to Best Buy and I showed him the new sound card I wanted to get and he is now on a search to get it cheaper. That�s what he does; he finds things cheaper on the web. It�s been a good visit so far and hopefully it will continue to be.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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