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FREEEK '04 � George Michael

After my last entry I put in my Ace of Base DVD and watched Beautiful Life and I felt better. What is it about Ace of Base that just puts you in a good mood?

I�ve been having bad dreams as of late that wake me up and I can�t get back to sleep. They usually involve someone breaking into my house or this morning it was my car. The other night it was someone trying to get in the back door when I was right there watching them from the couch. I woke up before he got in. This morning I was walking toward my car and I couldn�t remember where I parked. The usual thought came into my head of what if it was stolen. That�s when I saw a black man getting out of my car and grabbing my Partylite bag. He ran right towards me and I was screaming at him and the bag dropped within inches of me, from the weight I guess he couldn�t run off with a heavy bag. SO I awoke to find it was 3:45 in the morning and of course I would swear that I heard noises in the house. I calmed myself thinking that I would have surely heard the new alarm system that was installed. SO since I couldn�t sleep I thought I�d get up and write.

I finally saw Spiderman 2 last night. My crush on Toby grows ever stronger. Is it wrong that I wanted to see him and his best friend together in the love that dare not speak its name? We went to Best Buy after that and I picked up 13 Going On 30 and the INXS DVD collection. I felt really old when I asked the guy for the INXS and he couldn�t find it in the system because he was spelling it In-Excess. They had 8 copies just sitting in the back room. I came home early and watched some of the INXS but I couldn�t really seem to keep my eyes open past 10 so I went to bed. The thing about the double INXS DVD is that there are several videos missing from it. I Send A Message was a hit song and yet there is no video there. Burn For You and Heaven Sent are also missing. I guess I should be happy that most of them are there in full remastered glory. It�s really too bad about Michael, he really seemed to have it all together toward the end there.

Chew on that!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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