You never chase your dreams, they find you
Love, I know you
If you need love, it finds you too
Don't Stop Believin'� Olivia Newton-John

Happy Birthday to Olivia, Tammy, and Margo! Believe it or not they are all just about 10 years apart. Sorry I�ve been gone for so long but the fact is I�ve been writing but not posting. I had to work through some stuff and I didn�t want to put it out there for everyone because it was just too damn depressing, even for me. My head�s in a better place now and has been for a few weeks.

So much has happened over the month. Tammy came over last night for her birthday dinner and I surprised her by have her sister join us. I really like Mel and I hardly ever get to see her. I think she really enjoyed the time with her sister and her friends. Today she�s off to Fort Collins to spend the day with her family. She raked in some great gifts too!

Last Thursday we had low ropes, which was our team building for this year. We all got out of the office at 10:30 and headed over to Chatfield park and had fun in the sun. I paid later with a red face and neck. We went with a team that pretty much none of us knew. You could tell at the beginning as Refunds were all grouped in their little clicks and the Research team was grouped together with a few boys that knew each other in the middle. After lunch we were all co-mingled and the clicks were no more, and without even being split up in to teams. We were all one big team trying to solve problems of getting across a lake of hot molten magma and getting across another lake by stepping on stone circles with our feet all bound together by rubber bands. Yes, there was some eye candy there. There was a guy that I�ve seen around the building that I�ve always thought was cute. What I didn�t know was that he was so thin and small until I was face to face with him. Christi thinks I�m crazy for thinking he�s cute but I don�t care. �He�s got no muscle at all. How can you like someone like that?� she said to me. He was really more Rod�s type than mine but for the first time ever in my life and I do me ever. I actually thought to myself I would like to fuck this boy. He was younger than me by maybe 5 years and you all know that I�d never act on it even if I knew he was 100% gay, which I don�t think he is. I guess it was just the sun and the fresh air. It reminded me of the big J from PR and how we spent the end of his last visit.

Margo is on a new, let�s take Mark out for his birthday and get him drunk and laid, kick again. I�ve agreed to go but I�m not getting shit faced, I�m too old for that and I�m not a drinker. For some reason the girls at work think that getting me drunk will loosen me up enough to talk to strangers in bars. It doesn�t work that way for me. I know that I�m in for some embarrassing moments but maybe it will show them once and for all that hooch isn�t the answer in my finding a man. I�m sure Margo will get plowed and start bringing guys over to me and telling them it�s my birthday and they should buy me a drink. Since we�re going on Friday the 15th it will actually be my birthday and I�m sure it will be an all time low for the day of my birth.

Friday I bought The Sims 2 and I have to say that so far I love it. I�ve run into a few glitches here and there but nothing that swapping my video card out won�t take care of. I haven�t had time to really get into it but I think today I will be trying to build my own house and trying to get an alien baby.

That�s the long and short of it!

Quagmire Jan 1999 � Aug 2003

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